Unemployment In the Bradford District
27th January 2025
During the month of December 2024, unemployment rates sat at around 8.2% in the Bradford district (27,680 people claiming unemployment benefits). This is currently the highest in the Leeds City region.
- In December 2024, 8.2% of Bradford’s working age population were claiming unemployment benefits.
- Bradford’s unemployment rate is higher than the national average.
- Unemployment is most concentrated in inner city areas like Bowling, Barkerend, and Manningham.
- Bradford’s employment rate is lower than the national average.
- Bradford has a higher proportion of residents in lower-skilled jobs than average.
- The average wage for full-time workers in Bradford is lower than the national average.
- The most advertised roles in the UK are care worker and home carer.
- Adverts for HGV drivers have almost doubled in the past year.
- Adverts for early education and childcare practitioners have increased by 58%.
What it means
The above statistics are readily available through a quick Google search, but what does it mean for employers and job seekers within the Bradford District? Bradford is the UK City of Culture2025 and is forecast to generate about 6,500 new jobs in the district and 6,000 creative training opportunities. This is an exciting time for Bradford.
So, employers should have little trouble recruiting for roles that have fair pay and normal working/shift patterns in Bradford. We think more training is required for some residents to get back into employment. Snicket – pathway to employment can signpost job seekers to relevant training programmes to help with their employability.
What does the future look like for Bradford?
Well, the simple answer is, growth.
Tracy Brabin, The Mayor of West Yorkshire has set out her Local Growth Plan (LGP) that she says “will transform the (West Yorkshire) region, boost the economy and put more money in people’s pockets.”
This Local Growth Plan has been projected to support the creation on 33,000 new jobs and add £26 billion to the UK economy over the next ten years, according to the West Yorkshire Combined Authority.
The plan reveals the Combined Authority’s commitment to invest £7 billion to support business growth, upskilling job seekers and employees, improve and build a quick and reliable public transport system and create affordable and sustainable homes for all.
Also, within Bradford, we will see the opening of the brand-new Darley Street Market and Bradford Live, which will boost footfall and the local economy further.
In short, Bradford will be a place of growth over the next few years, welcoming in a positive change from the last few years, job seekers should have more opportunities, and businesses will benefit from local investments.